ACAA Women's Rugby UNB vs MTA

The University of New Brunswick Reds played their first 2018 regular season home game defeating Mount Allison University Mounties 60-5 in ACAA women's rugby action Sunday afternoon in Fredericton on College Field. 


UNB jumped out to an early lead scoring a try quickly. As the first half continued UNB held possession of the ball and applied offensive pressure to MTA resulting in multiple tries.  In the second half MTA dug in applying pressure of their own. This resulted in a MTA try from Sarah Chisholm.  Scoring from UNB was spread out over six players including Julija Rans, Emily Cusak, Lauren Tidd, Taran Price, Olivia Cormier and Maggie Grimmer.  Maggie Grimmer leading the scoring with five tries during the game.


The next game is schedule for Sunday September 16thagainst STU Tommies on College field.  The match up will be a repeat of last season's final.  Both teams will be looking to improve their records early in the season.