Chargers Fall to Seawolves in Home Opener

MONCTON, NB - The Crandall Chargers Women's soccer team dropped their home opener of the 2022 season to the UNBSJ Seawolves 1-0.


Moving their home games off site for the season the Chargers headed down to the turf field of Harrison Trimble Highschool.


The lone goal of the match came early as the Seawolves Stiker, Joce Splitberger slipped behind the defensive line for a breakaway goal in the third minute of play.


The Chargers Amanda Piltzmaker made her presence known deep in Seawolves territory, putting a trio of shots on goal and a pair of shots that just missed wide. 


Seawolves Goalkeeper, Jillian Smith, kept a clean sheet over the full 90 minutes, turning away all six of the Chargers shots that were placed on goal. 


The Chargers have a quick turn around as they head to Freddericton to face off against STU, kickoff at 1:00 P.M.. 


Cards Issued:


26' Yellow Card - Haley Coleman


Quick Look at the Chargers:

Record: 1-2 (W-L)
Next Game:Sunday, Sept. 18 at STU