Senior Spotlight: Rowe Shines in Second Stint as an ACAA Athlete

Senior Spotlight: Rowe Shines in Second Stint as an ACAA Athlete

The UNBSJ Seawolves Women’s Soccer team came up just short of winning the ACAA title, losing to MSVU in the final. The Seawolves team feature a slew of veterans in at least their fourth year of eligibility, but Kayla Rowe stood out from her fellow veterans, not just because of her strong backline play so far this season, but because she first cracked the Seawolves’ lineup in 2009! In her previous three trips to ACAA Championships, Rowe had twice lost in the semifinals, and in 2010, lost in the finals. 

Rowe, 31, first laced up for the Seawolves in 2009 following her graduation from Kennebecasis Valley High School, after outstanding careers at both the high school and club level.

“I have always played AAA soccer for Fundy Soccer, therefore always knew I had the ability to play at the university level when I was younger,” said Rowe. 

Rowe began her university career in the Arts program, with aspirations of becoming a teacher, before coming to the realization that there wouldn’t be many permanent jobs for teachers in New Brunswick following her graduation, so she made the tough decision to take a year off from school to work and weigh her options, with healthcare being at the forefront. 

“I was also always interested in healthcare but didn't necessarily want to go back to university after taking a year off, so I applied for the LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) program at NBCC SJ (New Brunswick Community College Saint John) and the dental hygiene program at Oulton College in Moncton,” said Rowe. “I was accepted to both programs and ultimately decided on the LPN program.”

During her time at NBCC and following her graduation from NBCC in 2014, Rowe worked at the Saint John Regional Hospital for nine years, before feeling like she had more to learn, and she chose to further her education. 

“I truly love my job, but recognizing the nursing shortage, and knowing my capabilities, I was accepted and entered into the LPN-RN bridging program and am graduating in May 2023,” said Rowe, about her future plans. 

The LPN Bridge Program, offered by UNB, recognizes the prior experience of LPN graduates from New Brunswick-based LPN programs, such as NBCC. It allows students to transition to the 3rd year of a Bachelor of Nursing Degree program at UNB. 

“I knew there would be an opportunity to play again as I had three years of eligibility left after playing in 2009 and 2010,” explained Rowe. “I was skeptical due to my age, and unsure if I was still skilled and fit enough. I spoke to Jason Brown (Technical Director of Fundy Soccer) on the phone in the spring of 2021, and he advised me to come out for the Senior A women's team the summer before starting university to gauge how I feel physically. It was after that phone call with Jason, who knew and coached me as a youth player, that I began to believe in myself, and it gave me the confidence I needed to move forward in playing on the UNBSJ soccer team at 31 years old.”

Seawolves’ Head Coach, PJ Ward, ran through try-outs and three preseason games during the 2021-22 season before he even found out Rowe was older than he was - a testament to her abilities on the pitch. 

“I don’t see it as an age thing,” Ward said about his starting center back. “The experience and maturity she brings makes her see the game differently than that of someone younger. Her ability to communicate and help organize our backline has been instrumental to our success this year.”

Rowe admitted being intimidated jumping back into the ACAA. “Being 31 years old, I lacked confidence and my age, unfortunately, was stuck in my head for quite some time,” she said. “The women I have been lucky enough to play with here at UNBSJ these last two years have provided me with so much confidence and say things like ‘I hope to play like you when I am in my thirties.’ PJ has also continuously told me to believe in my skills. Being on the starting 11 is a huge accomplishment for me and I continue to surprise myself.”