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Rams Win with a balanced attack

The Rams are putting things together at the rignt time.  With 4 balanced quarters the Rams . held off a late game run by the UKC Blue Devils to win 96-82 today in Bible Hill.  As he has done most of the semester,  Robin Grouse led the Rams with a double/double - 24 points and 27rebounds.  JC Broussard was high point getter with 25 pts and 8 rebounds, adding 6 assists; with Sandrais Clayton and Carter Harlow adding 12  and 11 points respectively. Kings Campbell Colpitts had 21pts, William Colpitts had 19 pts and Keenan Sparks  15 pts.  Jordan Dyke was big on the boards for the Blue Devils with 10 rebounds .

Putting forth a great team effort , the Rams showed points for everyone in the lineup.

The next big test for the Rams is tomorrow (Sunday Feb 18) when they host the Holland Hurricanes at 4:30 pm.  Tune in to for the action!